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Va. Beach officer accused of DUI now charged with hit-and-run

VIRGINIA BEACH — A Virginia Beach police officer charged with DUI is now facing a hit-and-run charge.

The new charge against Officer Bryan Womble is related to his May 20 drunken driving arrest, according to police spokesman MPO Adam Bernstein.

The Chesapeake special prosecutor on the case determined there was enough evidence to prove Womble tried to flee the crash scene after colliding with a 1995 Dodge Neon near the Oceanfront.

The hit-and-run charge is a misdemeanor and not a violent crime, so police determined Womble could remain on administrative duty, assigned to him after his DUI arrest.

Womble worked as a DUI enforcement officer, pulling over former NFL great Bruce Smith for drunken driving in May.

Womble is set to testify against dozens of defendants in the coming weeks, including a raft of DUI cases.

Article taken from WVEC.com